While there is a plot to Apparitions of the Living, the narrative contained within the text is mere subplot to the larger plot of the reader’s engagement with the composite of the object and textual qualities of the book.
Constructing personae as a defense against death. The knowability of others. His whole artistic project has been a long eulogy. A multimedia patchwork of suicidal ideation.
Shiv manages it, you know. He manages to talk about love, or talk about talking about love and how talking about love mucks up love. But he doesn’t muck it up, at least not when he’s writing, even though his writing is so tempered by fears of and apologies for mucking it up that surely, you’d think, he must muck it up.
As an artifact, it initially seems incredibly bare, reducing an experience to the simplest of visual symbols and the tersest of prose. Upon close study, it becomes clear that there is much contained within North Was Here which does not demand detailed explication and which lay teeming under a cold, glacial surface.
You, Jana Beňová, are, of course, fated to the lineage of Lispector, Lefebvre, and Cixous, women who do not bother to pin their words down to the ground but let them swirl up above, overhead.
Reading Motoya, you forget what weird is. You forget what is normal… When Yukiko Motoya sets out to write a story, whether it be situated in marital strife or at the market, she takes our mundane observations and concerns, cracks them, and cooks with the weird egg gunk
For the inmates in Revueltas’s The Hole, as with Vladimir and Estragon in Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, the hopelessness of their outcome in life breaks them, their physicality and humanity also warped around a banged up idea of time.
It’s poignant that Mieko Kawakami selected for her protagonist a boy, capable of delighting in the world without judgment, for whom realizations are more novel, and enamoration is not distorted by the harshness of adulthood.
Her work could be described as collapsing the space between still life and portraiture, to the extent that it can often be read as still lifes of faces while simultaneously being read as a portraits of objects.
Many pieces incorporated into Issue 16 of Taiwan-based arts magazine White Fungus seemingly attempt to address a number of similar questions pertaining to sound, how we experience it, and how we subvert it.
Among the astonishing mass of communication, of thoughts and emotions, that we have access to in our contemporary world, so little is heard and even less retained.
Re-watching Juno a decade on is a jarring trip down memory lane, illuminated by the conventions of today. I was struck by how, in spite of the crush on Ellen Page I shared with so many girls coming into their sexuality, I was oblivious to her dykish cues, so obvious from her walk alone.